Searching for Live Webcasting Companies in Washington DC?

ICV provides live webcasting at NAACOS in Washington DC

ICV produced a 3 day Live Webcast for the National Association of ACOs in Washington DC this week. Spanning dozens of rooms, more than 100 Speakers and multiple Keynote Sessions ICV provided complete Video Production Services, and staffed the webcast with our full-time live webcast technicians.

HD Panasonic HPX3100 Cameras, Panasonic HS-50 SDI digital video switchers and NewTek Tricasters are employed to assure the video streaming is flawless and rock solid.

Digital Disk backup records are done using KiPro recorders.

ICV's web developers deploy one of our custom V3 Media Portals to server as the web destination for the event.

We also stream to Facebook Live, YouTube Ustream, Twitter and more.From our Reston offices, we've been providing Live Webcasting Services in Washington DC for over 12 years.

Healthcare, Biotech, Governmental, Technology and entertainment webcasting are a few of the types of live webcasts we produce in the DC area.

Do you need Live Webcasting Services in Washington D.C.? Are searching for a Live Webcasting Company in Washington D.C.? 

Call us for free and friendly advice on How to Webcast. 
Or visit


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