Live Webcasting in Minneapolis at the Mayo Clinic

Live Webcasting in Minneapolis at the Mayo Clinic

ICV has crews in Minneapolis MN at the renowned Mayo Clinic for a Healthcare Leadership roundtable hosted by the New England Journal of Medicine.

Our vast experience in healthcare related live webcasting services made ICV the natural choice for the NEJM as they looked for a partner to provide web development of a video streaming media portal branded and designed exclusively for them as well as the entire live webcasting production process for delivery of Live and on-demand streaming video.

ICV has been working with the NEJM for 2 years now producing a series of live webcasts in locations across the country including webcasting in Boston, Atlanta, DC, New York and live webcasting in Pennsylvania among other locations.

See the Media Portal and the Free live webcast in action June 2 2016 at

Learn more at

ICV Digital Media 925-426-8230


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