Live Webcasting from the ICV Video Studio for AAA

AAA and AV Images webcast live from the ICV video Studio

AAA and Av Images of Livermore CA worked with ICV to produce a global Live All Hands Townhall webcast. 

Our Video Production staff worked with the talented crew at AV Images to build a set and engineer the multi-camera live switch multiple location webcasting in HD.

Locations from around the country were switched into the live webcast for discussion and Q and A.
Our Mobile Video Flypacks were utilized with 3 Panasonic HPX 3100 video cameras running through our Panasonic HS450 switcher.

Over 3 days of setup, rehearsal and live production the crews worked together to produce the important event which had thousands of on-line participants.

Live webcasting from the video studio provides an excellent location since all of our video equipment is readily available in our equipment room. Lighting, grip sound, video support, it's all right here.

Contact us for information on live webcasting production services or creating an on-demand archive of video streaming content in a secure and flexible media portal. Our web developers and production staff handle the entire production, web and video streaming process for you.

ICV Digital Media 925-426-8230


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