Live Webcasting Services in Brussels Belgium

Live Webcasting Services in Brussels for the International Pharma Congress

ICV chosen again as the Live webcasting company for the international event.

ICV produced the International Pharma Congress Live Webcast for this global Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum. Held in Brussels Belgium in May, ICV had crews there with HD video production equipment and the entire package of live webcasting equipment.

We utilized our proprietary Media Portal as part of our Live Webcasting Services to provide Mobile ready HTML 5 video players which we sent the HD quality streaming video to. Users around the world were able to view the sessions on mobile phones, tablets, iPads and desktops.

User registration, speaker information and synchronized PowerPoint slides were all handeled in the Media Portal. The secure Webcast Portal provides e-commerce capabilities, access control and an archive of the Video sessions in a library where the client is able to share and sell the webcast sessions.

Streaming 5 rooms at the same time the event went off successfully to a  truly global audience.


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