Live Webcasting Service - Custom or out of the box?

Live Webcasting Service works out of the box. This spring saw ICV Live webcasting for clients in a range of industries and in a number of global locations. If you are concerned that the hybrid webcast event you are planning is too complex don't be. Even if you have a live webcast incorporating varying levels of user access, multiple rooms or locations, and user and content management, ICV's webcasting platform can easily manage it. Give us a call at 925-426-8230 and tell us what kind of live webcasting services you need. We'll help you out. If we can't, we will recommend someone that can. Even if you need Language translations for your live webcast, E-commerce so you can sell access to archived webcast streaming video, or your event is in Far flung locations such as a webcast in Europe, a South American webcast or an Asian location for the webcast, ICV makes this a painless process. WE travel globally with fully staffed crews. All we need is a broa...