Video Training with a Media Portal - 3 Good Reasons

3 Reasons to train using video content in a Media Portal

1) Profit from your existing content

You probably have content on your shelf, on DVD's or even online using a service like YouTube or Vimeo. That content was captured for some reason. You thought it was valuable enough to record it then.. Having it hosted on a public site isn't helping your brand or likely not driving people into your other existing online properties where they might read bout your business, make on lonline inquiry or respond to some  other call to action. Put that content into some kind of customized Video Media Portal that will engage your visitors, surround them with your message and materials. Generate interest and make some content free and sell the rest. Share it all and build a community. Use it as part of a community. 
Have a member based association? A Professional or learning association? Integrate user and event management tools with your video content. Build learning courses using your video content and other document types. Add value to your association and grow your membership  The goal of a organization is to help their members improve through training and networking.  A video media portal gives you the tools to do that. 

2) Build a community of followers

You don't have to sell or monetize your video content. You can benefit from social sharing of your video media portal content. Have interesting video content that others would find valuable? Generate discussions and watch as groups of interested viewers having similar interestes or needs follow your content  Produce regularly and post often. Try live webcasting using an outside service provider, like ICV, or do it yourself. Video clearly is the most engaging sharing mechanism on the web.
Mix your video media portal and your content into your existing web presence and create a complete ecosystem that will build your organization's status and build public awareness as a voice in your niche.

3) Consolidate your online training, video and webinars

An LMS Portal that uses Live Webcasting and on-demand streaming video is a great way for  training experts to offer the most timely and valuable online training. Increase the need for your services using webinars that present the most up to date information. If you are a compliance or competency trainer the regulatory landscape is constant yl changing. Getting your new training material online using webcasting and then having that video available as  a streaming video archive of content will create an incredibly valuable media portal of material that you can sell and reuse over and over. Have a comprehensive product or service that you have trouble training users to get the most out of?
Integrate content from a Media Portal - where it's easy to manage, into your existing websites and training pages via simple embeds or objects. Change it, or update it in the portal and it changes globally.

Using LMS (Learning Management System) tools such as those which ICV has available in our Media Portal, allows you to build interactive training that can be used with your Video Content.  

Live webcasting and content management tools in our Media Portal provide creation, assignment, distribution, centralization, automation and virtual collaboration of rich media within an easy to use intuitive, browser-based interface. Content can be stored as assets and managed like any other rich media. They can be distributed, assigned to one or all, tagged, shared used as part of other content bundles or courses or embedded in external websites.

Create a workshop, webinar or in person event or simply organize content and assign it to a particular group or member type. The workshop might consist of a PowerPoint file, a Word Doc, and a Synchronized Video / PowerPoint presentation. Expiration or release dates can be implemented. 

So there ya go. Three good reasons to centralize your content AND to inspire you to create new video content for training within your own branded Media Portal.


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