Live webcast production - 2 Webcasting Events in DC

How many webcasts can we do? Live Webcasting - Video Streaming in HD

ICV had 15 webcasting events in November!

The first week of November saw us producing 2 concurrent webcasts for conference events:
National Dual Eligibles conference and the ACO Summit in Washington DC both went live the same week.

ICV Web Developers skillfully used our custom tools to launch branded ICV Media Portal websites for each event.
We provide the streaming video player with our unique Synchronized PowerPoint slides embedded right in the video player alongside the live video webcast stream.
Our webcasting services include everything that you need to build a profitable and successful social presence and community around your video streaming content.
  • ICV provides hosting for your event portal
  • We build and maintain the Archives and agenda
  • User Management is easy
  • We host the Streaming Video after the event on our CDN
  • Polling, chatting and social interaction right within the Video Player is included.
  • Of course we provide all of the Video Production gear and crew
We provide what other webcasting companies do not, the ICV Media Portal that lives on after your event where we build an archive of your content and past events. We even provide the e-commerce process should you need it. Sell, share or give away access to your streaming video.

All you have to do is call us and tell us when and where. We webcast from all over the world. Asia, South America, Europe. We've been there.
Live Webcast Instanbul, Turkey

Give us a call at 925-426-8230 for a friendly discussion about what you want to do to webcast your content.


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