Startup School Videos - ICV provides Live Webcasting

I posted last week a bit about how ICV was chosen to Live Webcast "Startup School" at Stanford University on October 20 2012.

I posted that last week. Since then we've had a LOT of requests for the streaming archive.

I now have those available. Seems the most popular speaker was Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg. No surprise. And he did deliver a very personal and insightful discussion. There were many other compelling and interesting speakers.  Github founder Tom Preston-Werner's discussion was of interest to us as Web Developers too.

Here are the links to those Startup School Videos from the Startup School webcast discussions in the order of appearance from the Live Webcast.
Live Webcast by ICV for StartUp School
Tom Preston-Werner - Gitub Founder

Mark Zuckerberg
Founder, Facebook

Patrick Collison
Founder, Stripe

Ron Conway
Partner, SV Angel

Ben Horowitz (we were not given permission to stream)
Partner, Andreessen Horowitz; Founder, Opsware

Travis Kalanick
Founder, Uber

Jessica Livingston
Partner, Y Combinator

Hiroshi Mikitani
Founder, Rakuten

Tom Preston-Werner
Founder, GitHub

David Rusenko
Founder, Weebly

Ben Silbermann
Founder, Pinterest

Joel Spolsky
Founder, StackExchange, Fog Creek Software


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