ICV Live Webcasts Startup School 2012

Ycombinator - www.ycombinator.com - Hires ICV Digital Media to provide live and on demand streaming video, HD Live webcasting  for it's StartupSchool.org live webcast. Stanford campus in Palo Alto, Ca.

Featuring Mark Zuckerberg and other notable entrepreneurs aznd venture capital notables:


2012 SpeakersPatrick Collison
Founder, Stripe
Ron Conway
Partner, SV Angel
Ben Horowitz
Partner, Andreessen Horowitz; Founder, Opsware
Travis Kalanick
Founder, Uber
Jessica Livingston
Partner, Y Combinator
Hiroshi Mikitani
Founder, Rakuten
Tom Preston-Werner
Founder, GitHub
David Rusenko
Founder, Weebly
Ben Silbermann
Founder, Pinterest
Joel Spolsky
Founder, StackExchange, Fog Creek Software
Mark Zuckerberg
Founder, Facebook 


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