Green Screen Shoot at ICV Video Studio

We had a great crew in the ICV Video Studio. Green Screen shoot with Jib work. Music Video for a very talented singing dancing group. Cutting to their new single.
These folks chose our video studio rental over working in San Francisco or Los Angeles. LA is to far and expensive, San Francisco Video Studio rentals are too expensive and not as flexible.
Glad to have this crew in here. Lots of talented people from the Director on down.
Music video shoot green screen ICV Video Studio Rental
ICV has a complete Bay Area HD video production and Post Production facility. We use it of course for our own video production and our clients. As you can see,  video producers also choose ICV video production services too.

They like the gear ,the location, our flexibility and the fair prices we charge for our video studio and our web and video services.

Los Angeles video production or San Francisco Video Production, Video Studio locations are not always the best decision. This crew came from all over the country to shoot at ICV. The space and our equipment and services allowed them to finish a projected two day shoot in one day. Wardrobe, makeup craft services, all of that, we try to make it easy for you. We can live webcast your shoot for remote approvals as well.


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