How do you Store and Deliver Live Webcasting Video?

This isn't easy at to define. But you need to be prepared to not only deliver an end to end storage and deliver mechanism when establishing your relationship with a client as their webcasting provider, but you need to be prepared to completely control it. AND be capable of extending it, modifying it and integrating it into any number of web applications, environments or systems.
This is where webcasting service providers are defined. This is not only a video production task,. It's a high level web development skill. Requiring not only knowledge of certain web concepts but having those systems, assets, and networks in place and under your control.
NO webcast event is the same. Each client wants different outcomes.

But no matter, you need to have the entire webcasting process under your control, from "planning to playing" as we say. How you produce a live webcast is really LESS important then how you deliver a live webcast. If you can't deliver live streaming video, dont't bother shooting the "Live" webcast.
We have our own top tier streaming accounts on the worldwide CDN. We have Dedicated servers on Rackspace and LiquidWeb. We have access from anywhere at anytime to build what ever pages or scripts are needed to enhance or extend the video webcasting or the web content that supports it.

We use both traditional Local NAS storage for files and online server for content that is used in our webcasting. CLOUD storage is used for much of this as well. We are constantly testing what the value, benefit scenarios are for us and our clients in terms of where and how assets get stored and delivered. You do need to separate your content so that there is no single point of failure.  We judiciously deliver and develop some of our content in one environment and on a certain server while storing and hosting some other content in a CLOUD storage environment. You have to use a mix. That's the best advice I can give you. Here's some good info on Cloud storage options

Embedded Video
Sometimes we embed video players into existing pages within the clients infrastructure. Such as we did for
But we still have to stream the video, not deliver it progressively which would require long unwanted buffering. Almost none of our clients, even Fortune 500 organizations have streaming servers of their own. We provide that. We provide a means of reporting on the video during and after the event. We can make live and archived video work within their websites or portals. OR....

Provide a Complete Website with video
Clients have an initiative with a new audience or segment. This requires its own new environment, such as what we provided for World Health Talks. Design and technology. Some "webcasting"providers would pass this off as a "Web Design Project" even though the major component of it is communication and sharing of video. Who shoots it? Who webcasts it? Who builds the site? Questions the client needs us to answer. And here, it's an easy answer.. WE do.

We have, on staff highly skilled web design experts here in Pleasanton California. Web developers that are PHP, .net, C#, ajax, REST, MVC, and so on.. experts... as well as experienced web designers.. I'm looking at one right now. Jon, and he's in early as usual..

Clients often dont have any connection with their corporate infrastructure. Often the bureaucracy of getting an integrated secure website, a custom streaming video player and producing an HD video production delivered by in house staff in a hurry exactly as they need it within a certain budget is out of the question.

We work as partners with our Client's to provide that "Ahhh.......Man am I glad I found you guys" feeling for clients. You need to do this also if webcasting is in your portfolio.

Staff up, get your own skilled developers. Get video and streaming services in place and gain production experience by trial and error. Become a webcasting road warrior. Learn how to share files and content from anywhere at anytime and get developers to build content and launch it for you within minutes!
Your clients are asking you to do this... At least ours are.


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