Hack-a-thon at the Computer History Museum in San Jose

ICV had video crews at the Computer History Museum for a 24 hour event. A very interesting Hack-a-thon. The goal was to develop 100 mobile apps in 24 hours.
Billed as The Muther! of all Hackathons

CTIA one of our clients, was a Sponsor of the event. We recently returned from New Orleans where we shot for a number of days at the CTIA wireless conference. Live webcasting and producing HD spots from the conference floor and uploading them on the fly.

Coffee and RedBull flowed at the Hack-a-thon.
The Computer History Museum is a very cool place. If you ever get a chance, check it out. We shoot there doing Live Webcasting about once a  month for various clients.

Our crew came back amped up......but as you might expect had a hard crash shortly after transferring the footage to our Final Cut Pro systems,
Heads fell on keyboards...

We shot HD video using Ki-Pro recorders and HDX-900 cameras.


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