Live Webcasting is never simple..

In Live event webcasting, planning and experience is key..
One recent experience in Istanbul Turkey at a live event webcast was, not really TYPICAL (This had never happened before to us) but nevertheless, was something we PLAN for..
We always bring backups, plan the event and always have a fallback plan..
The in-house Turkish A/V Crew had an issue... The Audio Mixer suddenly failed.. 45 minutes before the webcasting event.
We had no audio...
We rushed over to help and deduced that the FUSE had blown.. We have the same mixers that they used. Mackies... great audio gear for webcasting an event.. We usually are working on a live webcast in conjunction with an in-house Audio Visual crew. They will send the house audio to us, Mixer to Mixer - since one mix is for the room, the other is for us to use in the Live Webcasting setup.

So how to webcast without a mixer??

Now a fuse is a dumb little thing that you usually dont carry spares of...since they RARELY blow.
You'll find however that the Mackie Mixers, as well as some of our other gear, have a provision for a spare fuse to be carried in the Fuse Holder..
Theirs was EMPTY...

Now one of the planning items we go through before packing video equipment for an HD video shoot or a  Live Webcast is..believe it or not ... FUSES..
We had an extra fuse in our 12 Volt Power Adapters, as well as in our Mackie mixer...

Crisis averted....

Step 1 in How to Webcast LIVE... is - Prepare for every failure.

Make sure you check the little things.. I've posted on the importance of planning before...

Run through your "chain" as I mentioned in a previous post...
Something like this..
Camera, Power? FUSES, Tape, Right Size? Length? Camera Plate, Tripod, Do they fit together? Battery, 4 pin cable, Power Adapter, UPCord, FUSES, .......


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