Where can I rent a KiPRO recorder? - Ki-Pro Rentals

We added a few aja Ki-RO recorders to our equipment room here at ICV. There are not many here in the  San Francisco kipro rental market so we are getting a lot of business from our video buddies that are renting them. The reviews have all been positive! We use them all the time but we have a few so, if you need a KiPro rental, Call Dave at 925-426-8230

We've had them for a few months now. We've used the KiPRO here in the Studio on HD shoots, crews that have rented our video Studio have rented the Ki-Pro Recorder package as well. Then they brought them into one of the Final Cut Pro edit suites and loaded, logged the footage, then output right from the devices for a huge time savings.  We have shot on location with the KiPro and they performed flawlessly. We've rented them for location shooting, out in the field and we've used them on webcasts. These have the aja Ki-PRO exoskeletons.

If you aren't aware of this cool device, the Ki-PRO is a SSD disk recording device that is great for field and studio video acquisition. The kipro features both HDMI and SDI inputs. The KiPRO uses Apple ProRes for direct integration with Final Cut. The device records to high-capacity SSD removable drives from a wide variety of cameras. This is a really great thing to shoot to from any HD camera. We use our HDX-900 HD Cameras.

Highly Recommended! If you are in the San Francisco bay area stop by ICV Studios (map) for a demo. San Francisco KiPRO rentals are here.


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