How to launch a social webcast - without pain.

Webcasting should be easy, and fun.
It should be a way for people to participate in an event or discussion from anywhere without hassle. Social Webcasting should be an easy business decision. Launching a live social webcasting should be (and soon will be) a standard, key element of successful business practices. You should be able to recognize an opportunity for a webcast, and be able to act on it without having to think about it much or having to spend a lot of money. Location shouldn't be an issue. People should be able to review the audio and video webcast later on the web, on demand. You should be able to control access to the webcast. You want to associate the social webcast with other relevant assets such as documents, or training. Depending on the scope of your needs, the decision to launch a webcast should be akin to setting up a staff a meeting or organizing any traditional conference or large event.

Some organizations have installed video conferencing equipment in 2 or 3 key locations. Expensive, and immobile. Sure you can call everyone into the one room that has the video conferencing gear, hope the time slot is open, and hope that all the folks you need to be involved are near the other single location that has the same setup...  This is not efficient sharing of information.  OK for small or single face to face group discussions, but certainly not a way to share or present an event to large audiences spread out all over the globe.

To really benefit from the ability to present a social webcast and truly share and participate in a productive and valuable (profitable) event, you need to webcast to the world, not one room. And do it easily and with control.

The fact is that you need to be able to put webcasting equipment where you need it, when you need it and have the ability to stream it from the web within a secure web media portal that you can control.

You don't need or want to have this equipment or the dedicated staff in house.  Or you end up with the point to point limitations. You want to find a webcasting service that has spent considerable time and money sorting out the many different ways to put together solid, reliable, high quality webcasts. You want to do this without requiring a large investment up front in equipment. A live Webcasting service that can webcast from any location and do so without a lot of your staff resources. Make a call, set some parameters and have the webcasting service take it from there. You need to be able to trust them and know they are committed to doing this right.

Webcasting Examples: 
2 events:
Scenario #1:
A software development review meeting for a global software organization.
One that has staff at it's headquarters in San Francisco, Ca. An EU sales team in Paris France, and development staff in Bangalore, India, as well as other locations worldwide.
Audience: 1000 people in roughly 3-5 locations.

The development review meeting is a perfect scenario for a mobile webcasting service.  Webcasting in San Francisco out to the web requires a single setup at the San Francisco location. The webcast is streamed within the company website, or a Media Portal designed solely to manage all webcasts produced by the company. Staff in ANY location can login and watch and participate live. Chat, Poll ask questions, share on Social Networks like Twitter. Take tests related to the content. The webcast with syncronized PowerPoint slides and all the assets is archived for later on-demand webcasting. Staff can review the content over and over for accuracy.

Result: A huge benefit in productivity at the same low cost as a single location HD video webcasting shoot.

Scenario #2:

An annual Pharma related conference in a convention center in Washington, D.C.
Audience: Approximately 1000 people in 1 location.

The Conference scenario is an opportunity for the organizer to greatly expand their audience using Live Social Webcasting. If 1000 attendees want to participate in person there are 1000 more attendees that will pay to attend online.  Attendees to the event are provided with access after the event on-demand. Attendees online and at the event can participate from their seats in the social webcast. Twitter, chat, polling. Unique online only content can be provided. Certification testing can be incorporated online.
Webcasting a conference does not lower attendance. it greatly increases profitable by expanding the registration globally for those that simply cannot attend in person. The right webcasting service will provide registration for the event as well as the video web portal for the event.

Result: A global audience with increased attendance revenues, online sponsorship opportunities and after the event sales of the event! Selling the event after its over extends the life of the event indefinately.

Live webcasting is easy and fun, once you have 10 years of hands on experience and know EXACTLY how to webcast a live event succesfully. Or more accurately, who to call that knows how to live webcast.


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