Looking for Pizza in DC

I'm in Dc at the JW Marriott. Great property, Webcasting a Pharmaceutical event. In Monday out Friday.
Worked with a great Local Cameraman Cameron. We were stretched thin staff wise as we had Denver and Chicago again this week. And a big multi room Live event in LA starting in a few days..
Lots of people in the vidoe business are not used to working in a Professional environment. Lots of people in media have this contractor kind of mentality. I dint mean this in a harsh way but. The common attitude we see with people in Audio Video that hire themselves out is that they are not building relationships. Only working the day... This is one of the ways ICV has always strive to be different.

I take that back. We don't TRY to be different. We have a different mentality.. We DO try to build relationships and find new business and partnerships. By virtue of that, we carry ourselves a certain way. We never want to be the one that someone on the shoot remembers as the "Cool" too hip to work people.. We want to be the ones that are discussing future ideas with the client.. and making plans to show them something we have done that they can use.

Heck. we have seen studio crews in our Studio that are a bunch of goofs.. We rent our large Green Screen sound Stage video studio out a lot to production companies from not only the SF Bay Area but visiting Production companies.. Not too long ago my partner Dave came out of the studio that we had rented to an out of town crew form L.A. and told me that he found one of the crews freelance hired PA's up in our storage loft sleeping while the shoot was going on....
We marveled at the audacity of someone to be so unconcerned about their liveleyhood... It wasn't our crew so....

So last night in DC.. All I wanted was a Pizza.. Asked the Concierge and sent me to 14th and 9th.... Not a big deal, 5 blocks. I like to walk it off if I eat pizza anyhow.. but I swear there was no Pizza Place at 14th and 9th. Now I  may work with techy stuff, but I carry a basic cell phone. Not even a data plan.. I'm frugal, but I can get Gmail on it...
So I didn't have the fancy "Where are you Now" GPS stuff like some lazy nerds do...
I ended up walking about 20 blocks (and liking it).... Just walking in the evening.. I went into the Spy Museum.

Leaving I walked past a brightly lit white gallery with cool paintings. I could see that it was an Opening... I wasn't dressed for it but I like art. Can hold my own with even too cool art types.

So when the 2 super hipsters at the Sign in table asked me if I knew the artist. I Said
"No. but I am an artist, does that count" All in good jest..
The "cool chick" in asymmetrical  brown hair with dark almost blood red streaks asked me "Oh Really? What medium?" snarkily...

All I wanted to do was see the art they had and she's giving me a hard time for being friendly?
I noticed she was doodling... not real well. I mean it doesn't have to be realism, but a good line and composition is .. identifiable to anyone...

"I doodle too." I said instead of answering directly...being my usual needlessly open self...
She immediately pushed the pad and pencil at me....
and looked up with her eyebrows raised in and cocked her head in a challenge. 'I'd love to see one...."

I was feeling pretty loose and in about 1 minute I had a pretty damn cool drawing of her standing like Wonder Woman (obviously her, 'cause of her exaggerated haircut and off the shoulder ripped shirt..) with her arms akimbo and a guy laying out with knockout "stars" over him, under her boot..
All pencil and kinda loosely drawn...
She was obviously shocked that the scruffy old man knew how to use a Number #2...

She had name tags on the table,but I didn't see one with "my" name on it..
"You're name is Maribel"? I looked at her name tag...

"Yeah..."   I wrote "Maribel" over the girl in the drawing in Comic Book style crude bubble script arched over the drawing and finished it up to look like a comic book cover....
I pushed the drawing at her and flipped it around towards her..

"I'll trade this for a Name tag.."
The guy sitting next to her was smiling  "That is totally YOU!" he said. grabbing it..
She was not happy....She let out a deep exhale of resignation?
I took a name tag, wrote my name on it and spent the next 20 minutes checking out the art and the hipsters...

On the way back to the hotel I passed a Panini place... Wasn't very good but.. It worked...


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